Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Marcio Andrade Interview

Marcio Garcia De Andrade is an Entrepreneur and Director of seven brands in the financial services Industry.  He has experimented with web service sales, global workforces, and internet delivery systems. Of course, he’s had his share of ‘failures’ he’s grown from, but that has allowed him to enjoy more home runs than most. 

His employees consider him a father figure, stern but fair, compassionate yet professional. He loves 
Dan Carnegie’s books and drinking beer. His favorite color is red.  His teachers say he is brilliant but stubborn, like most innovators. He never flew first class. He has employees working for him around the globe, so there is always someone in his organization that is producing work. 

We interviewed Marcio Andrade, and this is what he had to say about his career:

What did you study in college?
I studied finance at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida.

What is your occupation?
I am an entrepreneur and Director of several brands in the financial services Industry.

How long have you been doing this work?
I have been in this Business since 2006.

What got you into the financial industry?
During my first year at the University of Florida, back in 2001, I needed a way to earn money to pay for my living expenses, and decided to get into real estate as a real estate agent and investor.

When did you set up your first financial service website?
Back in 2003, I set up my first website for the mortgage brokerage business I had started. It was a website primarily to allow clients to submit their loan applications online and facilitate the application process.

Were you a mortgage broker previously?
Yes, I was a mortgage broker from around 2002 to 2005, initially working for a mortgage brokerage firm and later setting up my own mortgage brokerage business.

Do you have any ancillary businesses not related to internet sales of financial services?
I have business ideas that I would like to implement in the future, but no other current operating businesses outside of online sales and financial services.

How many hours per week do you devote to your business?
I don’t count the hours. I focus on creativity. This question is virtually impossible for me to answer, but I probably put in 30 to 60 hours per week.

Since your business’ market is in the U.S., how often do you go there?
I travel to Miami every 2 to 3 months, mostly to take care of banking and to see my immediate family that lives there.

Your business owns a call center in the Philippines.  Have you visited that office?
No, I have not, but it’s in my plans. It’s a very long trip, and I have an excellent manager there.

How often do you speak with managers in the Philippines?
I speak with my managers daily, and often on weekends, too.

What are your normal working hours, considering that most of your employees are in Asia and most of your customers are in North America?
My work hours start around 12 pm ET, and I typically head to bed around 4 am.

Do you reinvest in your business?
Yes, any business will die if you don’t keep investing into it and improving it.

We also had an opportunity to interview Marcio on his family and upbringing. Here is what he had to say:

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Did you play sports in school?
I played soccer when I was younger.

Are you religious?
No, but I believe in God and in a greater intelligence that created the world.

Do you support any charities?
Yes. I have supported the following charities for the last eight Years: Children’s Christian Fund, Children International, The Smile Train, and the World Society for the Protection of Animals.
As an entrepreneur and business builder, with a head full of concepts and the knowledge, skills, and company structure to make those ideas pay off, he pioneered the virtual company, moving his headquarters around the world to interesting places, and hiring people from a variety of different countries. Here are his thoughts on virtual office and breaking down national barriers.

What is your business philosophy in regards to a virtual office, global workforce, hiring professionals?
The growth of broadband internet service at the beginning of the century suddenly made it possible for work to be easily outsourced to workers anywhere in the world, taking advantage of a much larger pool of qualified candidates and a significantly lower cost of labor. This allowed us to hire very good people, very FAST, and at much lower rates than we ever could hope to do in the United States, consequentially lowering our operating costs and increasing the speed of the hiring process.

How does the global work force idea work? 
I believe this globalization that has taken place is a very positive thing for the world, as it brought gigantic opportunities to underprivileged people across the globe, that previously were limited to looking for work within the borders of their own country, which in most cases meant they were dealing with a very high unemployment rate and very low pay.

How did you build your core staff?
The majority of my management team started off as freelancers hired for specific projects. Upon seeing that they had great talent and a solid work ethic, I offered them full-time positions within the company, and they have been invaluable to the growth and stability of the business.

What is your moral code?
My moral code is simple: Shoot straight. Tell it like it is. Never lie. Lying is just fear. Fear of telling the truth. Fear of what others might say or think or do. Liars are cowards. People respect the truth. They respect honesty. I prefer to be very blunt about what I want or think, and that has worked out very well for me, because the worst thing someone can do to you is lie to you or cheat you, and that is something I do not do, but it is something most people do all the time, which just raises the value of being honest and being blunt.

How do you manage your employees when they misstep?
If I sense lies and cheating, I terminate them immediately. There are no second chances when it comes to Integrity. You are either honest, or you are a liar. There is no middle ground, and I cannot have liars in my business nor my life.

How do you manage employees when you discover they have cheated you?
I immediately terminate them and if necessary, take legal action against them. I have already fired my best sales reps, the ones bringing the most revenue to the company, because they were stealing funds and diverting business. I don’t care how good you are or how much you sell, or how “irreplaceable” you think you are – If you lie to me or cheat me, you are terminated immediately, and I will find someone to replace you, no matter what the short-term consequences may be.

Describe your program for mentoring your managers.
Managers become managers because they are professionals I trust can get things done, can manage others successfully, and can work with minimal or no supervision. Therefore, my mentoring program consists mostly of “brain dumps”, which are conversational sessions in which I share my knowledge of certain subjects and they assimilate that knowledge to expand their capabilities.

What does your day consist of?
My day consists mostly of monitoring the work of the managers and working on creative projects for improving and growing the business. I try as much as possible to delegate everything I can delegate, and keep my desk clean with only forward-looking projects that can grow and improve the business. I focus on creativity and “flow” and not necessarily on time. One hour of very creative time is worth more to me than 12 hours of work where the creative sparks don’t fly. Creativity is what I try to nurture because that is what creates new products, new brands, and new ideas to improve the business.

How many people are in your employ?
We currently employ over 50 people in our company.

Where are they located?
The majority of the team members are in the Philippines, with our management team and sales team located in the United States.

Why did you decide to locate your office in Rio?
Our official offices are in Miami and New York. Rio is where I decided to live for personal reasons. The way our company is structured, I can live anywhere in the world with a good internet connection, and so can anyone who works in our company. There is no office and no office politics. There is no wasting time in traffic nor chatting by the water cooler.

On lifestyle, Marcio had this to say.

Do you live a luxury lifestyle?
I focus on the things that really matter to me, the things that make me happy and the things that make me grow. I delegate everything I can delegate, so that I can free up my time for the really important things in life and in business, and this delegation naturally leads to luxury. Delegation means housekeepers, drivers, admin assistants, and other professionals that free up my time. I am also a big fan of organization and cleanliness – I like everything in my surroundings to be organized, clean, and pleasant, so my creativity has the best environment to flourish.

Do you own Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, or luxury cars?
I have in the past, but no longer have an interest in these types of luxuries. I don’t like driving anymore, and prefer to use a driver or take an Uber.

Do you own and wear expensive luxury jewelry?
No. I refuse to buy jewelry. It’s just money down the drain and additional stress if you ever lose it.

Do you use private jets or other luxurious travel?
No, I don’t. I fly economy class. I can’t convince myself to pay so much extra cash for a little extra luxury for a few hours of sitting on a plane. Perhaps in the future, this may change, but I would need to have so much money available that $5K to $10K on a flight would be pocket change.

Marcio Andrade has been successful in predicting market trends relating to financing, credit, and meeting financial goals. Through his companies, he has helped thousands of people stabilize in a volatile credit market, achieve funding for business goals and meet their financial dreams. He has weathered upturns and downturns in the U.S. and world markets, has built a business employing hundreds of full time, part time and freelance workers all over the world, and has always kept ahead of the game. 

If copying is the sincerest form of flattery, the people who have seen his success and tried to duplicate it by matching what he does have already lost the battle, as he has already laid out his course three years and even five years ahead. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Marcio Garcia de Andrade: Founder of a Fast-Rising Financial Services Company in the US

Marcio Garcia de Andrade established several successful businesses in the United States. he started doing business back when he was in college. At the age of 34, he was able to create several businesses that help people achieve their financial goals.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Do You Want To Be On Shark Tank?

Think again! Instead of risking your business by splitting up ownership with loan sharks, keep control of your finances and business by working with Marcio Andrade. He is the entrepreneur to trust with your own entrepreneurial aspirations. He guides you through every step of the way to improve your credit rating, secure low interest lines of credit and secure higher lines of credit! This is the recipe of success to get your business properly financed and secure.

Marcio Andrade has faced the challenges of starting and running his own businesses and knows what it’s like to be in your position. He chose and carefully crafted the best solutions that are proven to be effective in getting your credit score up, your interest rate down and a line of credit to put money in your pocket.

The great thing about this type of financing is that you keep control of your business and you are not put at high risk of trusting loan sharks. You’re simply trusting Marcio’s team to resolve some questionable marks on your credit score to help lower your interest rates, giving you a variety of wholesale shelf corporations that are aged like fine wine with a good credit score to boost your credit score and helping you find the best lines of credit to fund your business needs.  
With the unveiling of the next phase of his career, many lives are set for a dramatic, positive turn. You can visit http://www.marcioandrade.com/ to learn more details about Marcio.


Name: Marcio Garcia De Andrade
Company Name: Mait Management Inc.
Email: Morissa.Schwartz@FastUnsecured.com
Website: http://www.marcioandrade.com/

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Marcio Andrade Is The KEY To Financial Security

Friday, September 29, 2017 - Who is Marcio Andrade? He is the owner of many businesses that are designed to help others achieve the financial security they need to start or support their business. Like ABC’s popular show Shark Tank, you may have seen businesses vying for the position to secure more financing and support for their business.

Marcio Andrade is the solution for your financial concerns to your business. As an entrepreneur himself he knows what its like to start with just an idea and grow it to be big. That’s just what he did. He is the owner, architect and founder of the 99th Floor LLC companies and has a collection of finance funding support sites to help you develop the credit and capital you need to start or expand your business to the fullest. He specializes in getting your credit score up, and getting you credit cards with low interest and high credit lines all while you stay in complete control of your business, unlike borrowing money from someone who wants a portion of your business as equity.
Even if your business is financially comfortable, I suggest you find out what Marcio’s method can do to make sure you always have a security net to support your business no matter how the economy fluctuates.

With the unveiling of the next phase of his career, many lives are set for a dramatic, positive turn. You can visit http://www.marcioandrade.com/ to learn more details about Marcio.


Name: Marcio Garcia De Andrade
Company Name: Mait Management Inc.
Email: Morissa.Schwartz@FastUnsecured.com
Website: http://www.marcioandrade.com/

Monday, October 2, 2017

Will Marcio Andrade Improve Your Life?

Friday, September 29, 2017 - Who is Marcio Andrade? He is THE entrepreneur who helps others get the financing they need to fund their own business. He found a way for individuals to get the credit scores they need, the money they need, and the support they need to fund their business safely and quickly.

If you’re considering starting your own business or own one, you've probably heard of or seen the show Shark Tank. Instead of wishing for a spot on the show Shark Tank and a chance to entice a loan shark to buy into your business and fund you, you can work with Marcio. He can help you not only resolve hidden conditions with your credit score and lower your interest rates, but also set you up with a higher credit score very quickly with wholesale corporations to help boost your score and improve your business appearance to banks as lenders. After he sorts out your credit scores, he sets you up for success to get the line of credit you need for your business.

With the unveiling of the next phase of his career, many lives are set for a dramatic, positive turn. You can visit http://www.marcioandrade.com/ to learn more details about Marcio.


Name: Marcio Garcia De Andrade
Company Name: Mait Management Inc.
Email: Morissa.Schwartz@FastUnsecured.com
Website: http://www.marcioandrade.com/

Friday, September 29, 2017


Meu nome é Douglas Filter e eu moro perto do cidade de Nova York.

Eu comecei trabalhar com Marcio Garcia de Andrade um… alguns dous anos atras. Eu originalmente firmei como um escritor de scripts para fazer vídeos de marketing para um de sus sites,

Sua empresa tem um numero de sites para serviços de negócios - como ajudar pessoas a incorporar, encontrar financiamento, aconselhamento de credito, financiamento para individuais e negócios e coisas como essas.

Recentemente, eu me tornei no produtor para ele. Eu cuido entre 8 e 15 artistas diferentes, pessoas de vídeo, pessoas de voz, animadores e assim.

Eu sou agora o Gerente de projetos especiais para Marcio e isso inclui escrever conteúdo para seus sites. Eu coordeno com seus desenhadores web no Europa quem trabalham em todos seus sites e desenham novos.

Eu tenho interações com Marcio durante o dia via chats, SMS e Skype e nós fazemos conferencia de vídeo nas noites, normalmente depois das 10 pm quando ele tem tempo para fazer conselho criativo e nós trabalhamos algumas vezes até 1 ou 2 da manha quando ele esta no seu melhor elemento criativo.

Estas sessões são grabadas, eu tenho uma coleção de provavelmente 150 gravações diferentes recentes de seus reuniões com me que eu tenho como referencia de tempo em tempo e nessas gravações ele a revisão do meu trabalho, ele me diz e nós falamos do novos projetos.

Eu desfruto trabalhar com Marcio por sua dedicação no negocio, por sua ingenuidade e sua mente criativa. Eu penso que seus negócios som exitosos por seu envolvimento e sua inteligencia.


Christa’s Testimony for Marcio Garcia de Andrade

It’s not everday that we meet a brilliant mind with a heart of gold. I could say that I am lucky to meet Marcio Garcia de Andrade.

I started working for him back in January 2015 and I sure am glad that I responded to his invitation. Marcio Garcia de Andrade helped me grow as a professional. He helped me explore capabilities that I never knew were there all along. From a humble position, he raised me up to a position I never thought I will ever attain. It was just a fantasy in my wildest dream but somehow he was able to turn that into a reality. I am not speaking only for myself only but for others in the company as well since he changed the life of his workers both in a professional and personal way.

Marcio Garcia de Andrade is very hands on and based on our dealings. He oversees his company and knows everything that’s going on. He is a jack of all trades and has mastered a lot when it comes to business.

Most of all, he changed some of my views in life. I was once afraid of failure but right now, because of him, I realized that failure is the key to success and there is always someone out there ready to understand and help. He helped me when I failed his expectations instead of just giving up on me. 

That helped me grow as a person and in return, helped the company reach its goal.

I just want to tell him how grateful I am to work for him and I still see myself working for him years from now. Thank you very much, Marcio!


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Marcio Garcia de Andrade on Why Choose Seasoned Tradelines to Improve your Credit Scores

Marcio Garcia de Andrade on Why Choose Seasoned Tradelines to Improve your Credit Scores
A lot of people suffer due to having a low credit score. If you think that having a bad credit score only affects chances of getting approved for loans and lines and credit then you are wrong. There are other things that get affected when you have a bad credit scores and these includes your chances to qualify for employment and insurance policies. So yes, having good credit scores is an advantage.

But what if you have bad credit scores on all credit bureaus? Is it the end of the line for you? The answer is no! The best way to increase your credit score and dramatically improve your credit history by adding seasoned tradelines on your credit report. Marcio Garcia de Andrade, one of the leading experts in the credit and finance industry explains how seasoned tradeline works.
So what’s amazing about seasoned tradelines? Here are some ways it helps improve your credit score as explained by Marcio Garcia de Andrade

Increase your Credit Scores Fast
The moment each seasoned tradelines shows up, your credit scores will immediately go up by a lot of points. Credit score increases in the 50 to 150 point range, and even as high as 200 points. This is a proven FACT.

Running one of the most successful tradeline company in the industry, Marcio Garcia de Andrade also saw how high an individual’s credit score could go when they do not have any credit history. After adding seasoned tradelines, most individual’s credit scores reached 780+. This improves their chances of getting approved for higher amounts of financing.

Increase the age of your Credit History FAST
As each seasoned tradeline is added, your average age of accounts is recalculated to include the seasoned tradelines’ age, and assuming you purchased tradelines that are very old, your average age of accounts and the age of your credit history will go up significantly. By increasing the age of your credit history, you will get more approvals.

Increase your Average Credit Limits FAST
As each seasoned tradeline is added, your average unsecured revolving credit limit is re-calculated to include the seasoned tradeline’s credit limit. Assuming you purchased seasoned tradelines  with high credit limits, your average credit limit go up significantly.

Get Approved For All Types of Financing Much More Easily
Seasoned tradelines improve the overall quality of your credit history and raise your credit score dramatically to the point where any kind of financing you apply for will become significantly easier to be approved for.

Adding tradelines is the best way to improve your credit scores and thousands of people have already benefited from buying seasoned tradelines from the company Marcio Garcia de Andrade established. The results are permanent and the process is completely legal. It has been the mission of the company to help others improve their credit situation fast and help get the financing they need.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


How many times have you tried to apply for financing only to be rejected by lenders? Fact is that there are several requirements needed to get the financing you need using your own personal credit history. You can always choose to find a good financing broker to help submit applications. However, there are hundreds of companies out there offering this service and you may wonder where to go.

Marcio Garcia de Andrade, founder of one of the most successful finance company can help you decide which company to choose. He’s been in the business since 2006 and his company helped thousands of people get the financing they need in the shortest possible time.
Here are some questions worth asking when selecting the best financing broker?


You want to work with a company that knows what they are doing and have been doing this for a long time. The company Marcio Garcia de Andrade founded has been in doing this since 2006 and served thousands of clients.


Some companies may ask you to submit all the credit applications, and that makes you wonder exactly what are they really doing to earn their keep. Knowing which lenders to apply with, how to apply, and in what order to apply is critical but submitting all those funding applications is very time consuming and irritating and is something you want to avoid having to do yourself as much as possible.


If your credit scores are higher on 1 or 2 credit bureaus than in the others, you will want to focus your efforts on lenders that will only pull the credit bureau where you have the highest credit score. To that, the company you work with must actually know which lenders pull which credit bureaus so they don’t generate unnecessary hard inquiries on your credit and so you have the best possible chance of being approved.

Yes, there are thousands of businesses out there offering financial services but the question is which one to work with. But if you want to get funded big time, then you should choose wisely. The financial services company Marcio Garcia de Andrade offers free analysis wherein real finance experts checks your credit situation and recommend the best possible ways to get the financing you need fast. You only pay for results and there are no upfront fees charged.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Marcio Garcia de Andrade is one of the leading experts in financial services in the United States. with over a decade of experience in the industry, he established several businesses and websites that cater to the needs of people who needs unsecured financing in the shortest time possible.


Getting the funding you need in a month is difficult. Some try different methods in obtaining the money they need by doing direct applications. Some hire credit coaches while others try to find companies that do all the applications for them. However, most of them fail to meet their customer’s expectations which eventually lead to frustration.

Marcio Garcia de Andrade established his first company, EZ Unsecured, back when he was in college. He later sold the company to Lendio. After a few years, he established another successful business that offers assistance by doing all the applications to the best lenders who are more likely to approve their applications at the lowest rate possible.


Marcio Garcia de Andrade is an innovator and a designer. With the years of experience in financial services, he knows that trends in the industry change every year. What keeps his company on top of its game is by refining the techniques used in order to get each customers the largest amount they could possibly get at the lowest rate possible.


It has been his mission to help others get the financing they need fast. Marcio Garcia de Andrade designed his company to be able to get others the money they need at the shortest time possible.

With thousands of companies out there offering the same services, one thing sets his company apart from his competition and that is to provide quality service to each customer. Offering services with no upfront fees, this means that applicants pay only for results. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Marcio Garcia de Andrade founded his first company back in 2006. He’s been in the financial services industry for more than a decade and knows how to get the funding you need in the shortest time possible. Here are some of the websites he founded.

FastUnsecured.com helps people get the funding they need in three days. Approvals come in an hour and clients are immediately notified after. With 27 lenders available, applicants can get up to $250,000 unsecured funding granted that they have good credit scores.

Seasoned tradelines are proven to be the fastest way to improve your credit scores. Results are achieved typically in 4 to 6 weeks.

Whether you need to expand your business in the United States, improve your credibility with Clients and Suppliers or you just want to get more funding for your business, buying an aged corporation can do all these and even more. Wholesale Shelf Corporations has the largest aged shelf corporation inventory in the United States. You can choose which aged corporation to purchase based on whatever objective you have.

To get the maximum amount of funding you need for your business, it is important to make sure that your business is credit ready. Corporate Cash Credit can help your business get credit-ready in 7 days, obtain your 80 paydex in 45 days and get you funded within a month.

Having several qualified inquiries on your credit report is one reason why lenders reject applications. Inquiry Busters can help remove qualified credit inquiries from your credit report in 3 to 6 weeks. After the process, an increase of 10 to 30 points in your credit scores after all inquiries are removed.

The goal of the companies that Marcio Garcia de Andrade established is to help others achieve financial freedom and get the funding they need at the soonest time possible. His dedication to provide excellent service at reasonable price is admirable. All the hard work he put in building the companies shows. This innovator and designer still has a long way to go as his business grows every day.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Marcio Garcia de Andrade: The Admired Leader

The story of almost everyone hired by Marcio Garcia de Andrade starts with this: he hires them from a freelance website, molded their talents, expected nothing less from them and helped them grow to their full potential. It may seem nothing usual or out of the ordinary but the story of how impresses those in the business world and even aspiring individuals.

All of us have our God-given talent. It’s there all along, just waiting for that right moment for them to be explored and used. What does it take to bring that out? Someone patient enough to oversee things and patiently wait for it produce results. This is how Marcio Garcia de Andrade guided each of his workers.

It all comes with the attitude of his employees. Those who are able to accept criticism and correction are often those who last. Sometimes, constructive criticism is hard to accept but for others who think that such words is a sign to stop, others find it as a stepping stone. He is honest with his thoughts and not holding back things from his workers. What you see and hear is what you get. At the end the day, he will actually send you a smiley, assuring you that everything is alright.

Character is the first thing he sees in his workers. Those who lasted a long time have already proven to him that they are hardworking, responsible, and most of all, trustworthy. Trust is a very important character that he looks in people. To be honest, though, there were also deceitful people who came to his life but little did these people know what they missed out for doing such things to him, for those whom he trust enjoys the fruits of their patience and hard work.

Of course, that’s just the start. Then there’s the spark of talent within them that he sees. Marcio Garcia de Andrade can see the talent of others by working closely with them. He sees what they have and tries his best to bring out the talent within them. Of course, it also takes effort to show off what you’ve got. You don’t just sit there, relax, do your daily routine or wait for instructions. You actually need to take action and let him know your plans.

Everyone in 99th Floor LLC knows what a hands-on boss he is and how he touched the lives of his workers by helping them grow as professionals and individuals who are highly skilled in what they do. He knows everything that is going on within his company. Most of all, he knows his employees strength and weaknesses, giving them tasks and putting them in positions they deserve. He helps them explore their talent, guides them to improve and turn some of their weaknesses into strengths that will help them grow as a person.

It is not every day you see a CEO and business owner talk to all his employees and ask for updates. That’s what you expect from Marcio Garcia de Andrade. He talks to each worker, ask them for status on the tasks assigned to them and end the conversation with a smile.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Marcio Garcia de Andrade: The Making of a Successful Business Leader

“Everyone Dreams.
Some Dream & Talk About It.
I Dream & I Do It.
        …That’s The Difference.”
                  - Marcio Andrade

In the finance and credit sector, Marcio Garcia de Andrade is known to be one of the most successful young entrepreneurs. He established several businesses that helped both his customers and employees.

Even back when he was in high school, his teachers saw talent in business. Despite being known as stubborn at times, he still maintained excellent grades which made both his parents and teachers proud. He even won a national competition in business plan preparation with his entry “Copacabana Jet Ski Business Plan”. There was no doubt the young Marcio Garcia de Andrade will achieve great achievements in life.

Life wasn’t always easy and not everything went smoothly for him at first. After graduating from high school, he chose to be independent from his parents. There was a little pinch of loneliness at first for he has very close ties with his parents and siblings. But he knew that independence is the first step to learn new things on his own. It was just the beginning of his journey to success.

Life wasn’t easy. He’s seen rough times even days when he has nothing on his pocket. But his heart has this dream and he could see it coming close. Despite the hardships he encountered during his first year of independence, he was able to go through it all while maintaining excellent grades.

In 2002, he enrolled in a Summer Concentration Program on Business at the London School of Economics. Later the same year, he began working as a Mortgage Broker and Real Estate Investor at Access eMortgage. This job helped him get through college and later graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance.

His first business started in 2006 when he established Jade Rock Enterprises LLC. He later started another business, Know It Cold LLC which was founded three years after his first business was established. From September 2013 and to this day, he currently holds the position of President and CEO of MAIT Management Inc.

Life is full of hurdles. Not everyone who starts running will reach the finish line. Some choose to quit as they see each hurdle gets higher and higher. Some stumble, bruise themselves and quit. However, those who choose to continue despite fear and bruises just to reach their destination. The dream is there and he took every chance he got to succeed. Marcio Garcia de Andrade was able not only to jump over hurdles that came along his way but outrun his fellow competitors as well. He never let his dream remain that way but sought ways to realize them. His businesses still has a long way to go. Same with him as he explore new heights and achieve everything his mind can conceive.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Marcio Garcia de Andrade: Successful Entrerpreneur

Marcio Garcia de Andrade is the owner and founder and founder of 99th floor LLC, one of the fastest rising companies in the financial industry today.

What’s the secret to his success? He was able to reach his goal by working hard. He usually starts working at around 1pm. It’s not typical for a businessman but there’s good reason why. He starts talking to his managers and analyzes the overall situation of the company. his work hours end at around 5am.

But if you think all he does is work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week then you are completely wrong. He also does things that make him happy.

He is very passionate with his dog Gentleman who he brings around wherever he goes. Marcio Garcia de Andrade’s cute little buddy comes along with him on every trip he goes. Daily walks with his dog are also a routine.

Also, he takes time every year to visit different places around the world. He’s been to Asia and Europe and has seen several beautiful landmarks and sites. He’s always been curious about the world around him. It has been a lifelong dream of him to travel the world since he was a child.

All his hard work is paid off whenever he sees the success of the company he established. Every day, thousands of people visit his websites to look for the solutions they need to improve their financial situation. Most of all, he is living his dreams of doing the things he love and seeing himself in the peak of success.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Marcio Garcia de Andrade founded Wholesale Shelf Corporations, the leading company with the largest inventory of credit-ready shelf corporations. He’s been in the credit and finance industry for more than a decade and knows the ins and outs of the business.

He established other programs as well to make sure that those who purchase an aged corporation through his company will be able to meet their goals fast. Marcio Garcia de Andrade revolutionized the way on how people can get the funding they need, bid on government projects and obtain credibility to clients and suppliers at the shortest possible time which is very important to any business.


Through long experience in credit and finance industry, Marcio Garcia de Andrade knows how exactly an aged shelf corporation can get the funding you need. It is a requirement for those who are applying for business loans that the business has been established for a minimum time period. This has been a problem of new businesses since they have to find other sources to buy the materials and equipment they need for the business to fully operate.

But with the use of a credit ready aged corporation, the problem is immediately solved. Since most lenders require that the business has been established for a minimum of two years, businesses could buy an aged corporation which has been on the shelf for more than two years.


What most buyers of Aged Corporation fear when buying an aged corporation is the fact that the aged corporation they purchase is registered in another state. However, this should be no problem as seen by most of those who purchased an aged corporation from the company Marcio Garcia de Andrade purchased.

Most aged corporations in the inventory are from California, Montana, Wyoming, New York and Hawaii. The amount of funding and the state where the aged corporation was registered depends on the state where the corporation is registered. The experts at Wholesale Shelf Corporations can help buyers choose the right corporation to purchase depending on their goals and the funding they need. Regardless of the state the aged corporation the corporation is registered, a person could still use it wherever he is.


When we talk about funding, we are not talking about small amounts. We are talking big here. Again depending on the age of the corporation and the state where the corporation was registered, one can get up to $300 grand in unsecured corporate vendor credit. That amount can really help a lot in buying equipment, materials and other items that your company needs. It may also enable you to expand your business in other states.

Thousands of people are grateful to Marcio Garcia de Andrade and the company he founded for helping them reach their goals fast. With his hard work and dedication in helping others achieve their financial goal, there’s no wonder why many people appreciate him.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Marcio Garcia de Andrade: Hang-gliding to success

In the last ten years, Marcio Garcia de Andrade has founded many successful online companies, repeatedly establishing himself as a go-to leader for businesses looking for fast financing solutions. Among Andrade’s companies are several that promise fast unsecured loans, as well as others that help businesses elevate their credit rating rapidly, in as short a period as 30-60 days.

For example, WholesaleShelfCorporations.com provides clean corporate shells with histories and positive credit ratings, and TopTradeLines.com enables client companies to help their credit scores skyrocket by partnering with host credit accounts owned by people with stronger credit. Both companies were founded by Andrade, and promise fast solutions for businesses in need.

“We are not only focused on getting businesses the necessary funding but we also help them to enhance their credit history to make them more eligible for the required business loans,” stated Marcio.

Grand Teton Professionals, LLC is Andrade’s current venture, which manages and coordinates professionals from around the world to help businesses achieve smooth, secure, and efficient operations with respect to programming, web design, marketing, SEO, administration, legal services, social media, content creation, human resources, and promotion. While Andrade maintains physical offices in Miami and a sales and services center in the Philippines, most of these professionals contribute from various locations internationally, including across the United States, South America, Eastern and Western Europe, Northern Africa, Asia, and India.

When he’s not managing one of his many companies, Marcio is pursuing his other passions, which include muay thai, bodybuilding, traveling, and hang-gliding.

Marcio Garcia de Andrade was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and studied finance at the University of Florida. During his studies, he founded EZUnsecured.com, his first online company. He sold EZUnsecured.com to Lendio in 2010 – it had been a huge success, consistently occupying the #1 position on Google search results for business loan services. Andrade later studied business at the London School of Economics.

For more about Marcio, visit http://marcioandrade.com, or visit his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/EZUNSECURED

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Why You Should Get a Free Analysis from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com Before You Own Shelf Corporations

When you are poised to own aged corporations, you stand a better chance at reaping all the benefits of your purchase.  You no longer have to play guessing games, and you don’t have to wait around on loan approvals either.  Those who already own aged corporations can enjoy quick and easy financing, and if they bought their corporations from Wholesale Shelf Corporations, they did it all risk-free.  In order to prepare yourself for the greatest amount of success, we suggest you go through with our complimentary credit analysis before you buy anything.

Our Analysis Helps You Own Shelf Corporations That Are Right for Your Intended Purposes

Unless you take advantage of our credit analysis, you might not be able to own aged corporations that will actually work.  You’ll never quite know what all you need to do to improve your situation, and we won’t be able to help you out as much as we’d like to.  Because an analysis is so important to those who want to own aged corporations, we don’t charge anything for it.  Simply visit our official website and click on the button that says “Free Analysis” to get started right away.

Own Aged Corporations and Possibly More Once You Use Our Free Credit Analysis

In all honesty, you may be able to do a whole lot more than simply own aged corporations once you use a Wholesale Shelf Corporations credit analysis to find out where you stand.  We want you to be as successful as possible, and we want to help you get to there too.  Our analysis is so comprehensive that it can actually tell you what all your options are, giving you the ability to make beneficial and lucrative moves in the industry without any doubt.  All you have to do is visit our official website to get started.  Our experts are on standby around-the-clock to answer your questions and to walk you through the processes.

Reasons to Own Aged Corporations from Wholesale Shelf Corporations Today

At Wholesale Shelf Corporations, we pride ourselves on client satisfaction.  We also have bragging rights to the best and biggest credit-ready shelf corporation inventory in the industry.  On top of that, our exclusive service packing is by far the most completely, and we never let you walk away having wasted your time or money. In fact, there are a couple good reasons why you should only own aged corporations that you acquired through us.

#1. We Help You to Own Aged Corporations That Truly Work 

To begin with, we never advise our clients to own aged corporations until they are good and ready. We provide a free credit analysis upfront, and then we help you figure out the finer details every step of the way.  The inventory list at Wholesale Shelf Corporations is so exclusive that we can guarantee your satisfaction.  In order to own aged corporations that really work and leave nothing to chance, you’re going to have to go through Wholesale Shelf Corporations.

#2. When You Own Aged Corporations from Us, You’re never Left Hanging

We also don’t expect you to know all the finer details of a transaction which allows you to own aged corporations.  Indeed, it can be a complicated process; but luckily, Wholesale Shelf Corporations is here to help.  As part of our basic package, we set up your merchant accounts, register your company with the IRS, and even get you listed on all the major search engines of today.  These incentives are absolutely free, and we also have cost-effective add-on services as well.  Visit our official website to see how you too can own aged corporations that will change your life almost instantly.

Monday, August 21, 2017

When You Own Aged Corporations You Become Privy to Several Valuable Incentives

Being someone who can say they own aged corporations is comparable to saying you’re an expert in creative financing.  Those who purchase shelf corporations are able to lock in extremely lucrative lines of credit for themselves and their companies.  In fact, being the proud owner of an aged corporation puts your own accounts on the front lines of funding.  Moreover, when you own aged corporations from Wholesale Shelf Corporations, you are actually getting more than ever dreamed possible.

Own Aged Corporations to Add Valuable “Time in Business” to Your Accounts

Sometimes, you can have a pretty prefect credit rating and still not get the funding you really need.  This is because one of the minimum requirements for some lenders is that you have at least 2 years of “Time in Business.”  You probably don’t want to wait two years to make changes to your business plan.  At Wholesale Shelf Corporations we show you how when you own aged corporations you can actually boost this requirement instantly and legitimately.

Have the Details Handled for You When You Own Aged Corporations

Being a person who can say that they own aged corporations means that you are someone who has found an easy way to improve your standing in the modern market.  It could also mean that you had all your important paperwork, setups, and registrations handled for you – that is, if you come to Wholesale Shelf Corporations for your purchases.  We handle all the minor and major details for you, walk with you through the entire process.  Visit our exclusive website soon to peruse our inventory or speak with one of our representatives (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year).

Why Wise People Own Aged Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

In the financing arena, there are those who succeed and those who fail miserably.  You can fall into the first group if you play your cards right.  When the time comes to own aged corporations for the purposes of improving your credit rating, you want to choose a company that truly knows the ins and outs of the industry.  Wholesale Shelf Corporations is where all the wise people go, and there are several good reasons why.

Watch Your Credit Improve Instantly Once You Own Aged Corporations

When you decide that you too want to own aged corporations, you will quickly see why that is such a wise decision.  At Wholesale Shelf Corporations we help you to purchase the only the best credit-ready aged corporations by offering you a full line of helpful services.  First, we analyze your credit and lead you to the most lucrative options.  Then, we take care of all the important paperwork so that nothing is missed.  At the end of the day, those who own shelf corporations are the ones who have the most success in their field.

Own Aged Corporations and Keep Your Assets Protected

At no point will we allow you to feel unsecured or at risk.  We offer you a free consultation with a licensed Asset Protection Attorney once you own aged corporations on each and every purchase.  Regardless of what end of the spectrum you’re trying to protect, Wholesale Shelf Corporations has you covered.  On top of that, we ensure that all registrations and setups are completed ahead of time, so that you can legitimately own aged corporations with confidence.

Be among the wise and visit our official website for more information.  We have people standing by around-the-clock to answer your questions.  Change your life today and own aged corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

How You Gain Valuable Credibility with Clients and Suppliers When You Buy Shelf Corporations

In today’s often unpredictable economy, it can be quite difficult to be taken seriously by lenders, clients, suppliers, and associates.  This is especially true for those who are new to their industry, or who have some blemishes on their credit records.  However, those who buy shelf corporations are able to circumnavigate this common issue to find more lucrative opportunities. At WholesaleShelfCorporations.com, we do our best to ensure your greatest success after you buy shelf corporations from our exclusive inventory – and this is how we do it:

1. You Improve Your Credit Ratings Instantly When You Buy Shelf Corporations

The main reason why our clients buy shelf corporations is to improve the condition of their current credit rating – either personal or corporate. This decision is pretty wise, especially considering how quickly the changes are reflected on the purchaser’s account.  In no time, those who buy shelf corporations will see an increase in their credit scores and be able to more easily gain the funding they need.

2. Your “Time in Business” Increased Dramatically After You Buy Shelf Corporations

Up-and-coming businesses and start-ups often have a hard time getting enough financing to expand or improve.  This can eventually spell failure for some merchants, which is something we cannot accept here at WholesaleShelfCorporations.com.  We allow clients to buy shelf corporations from our inventory and we see to it that their “Time in Business” requirements are met before they apply for any kind of loans or lines of credit.

3. An Asset Protection Attorney Helps Safeguard You Once You Buy Shelf Corporations

If you do decide to buy shelf corporations to propel your dreams, rest assured that all your assets will be fully guards. As part of our standard package, purchasers can rely on a free consultation with a licensed Asset Protection Attorney. This advantage can help you to avoid embarrassing hang-ups while shielding your good name in the market.  Visit our official website for a complete list of free incentives or to speak with one of our representatives.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Why Get a Free Analysis Before You Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

Knowing where you currently stand is always a wise decision, especially when it comes to your finances.  While WholesaleshelfCorporations.com is ready to go whenever you are, we do recommend that you receive a free analysis before you buy shelf corporations from our exclusive inventory.  It is our duty to ensure your complete satisfaction, and by getting a credit analysis we can help you to determine your best plan of action.  Without this knowledge, you may end up getting in over your head or not receiving the results you really wanted after you buy shelf corporations (regardless of the source).

An Analysis Gives Confidence When You Buy Shelf Corporations

Those who buy shelf corporations regularly are already pretty much aware of their credit rating, but clients who are new to the process would benefit greatly from a comprehensive analysis. This vital step is what tells clients when to buy shelf corporations, which corporations to purchase, and how to use their investment to improve their position in the market.  By providing clients with this sort of purchasing power, WholesaleShelfCorporations.com has given confidence to even the biggest skeptics.

Buy Shelf Corporations That Actually Work For Your Objectives

WholesaleShelfCorporations.com not only allows clients to customize their approach to the market, but they make sure that everything actually works.  After the analysis, those who decide to buy shelf corporations are immediately privy to several free incentives – each designed to help buyers get the most bang for their buck.  Only when you buy shelf corporations from a company that truly backs up its claims can you see your dreams come to fruition.  Visit our official website for more information today.

Why People Are So Successful When They Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

If you took a just a few moments to look at the favorable results produced by our financial experts here at WholesaleShelfCorporations.com you would see a vast number of extremely satisfied customers.  How can that be with such a tumultuous and unpredictable economy?  Those who buy shelf corporations from us always walk away completely pleased, but why?  The answer: our state-of-the-art service package is unlike anything in the industry, and we offer clients a peace of mind that can’t be found anywhere else.

We Guarantee Satisfaction When You Buy Shelf Corporations

Whether you decide to buy shelf corporations for yourself or your clients, WholesaleShelfCorporations.com has what you need to succeed with flying colors.  When you buy shelf corporations from us, you receive more than just an effective way to boost your credit rating and land significant funding.  You also get service, selection, and value at no extra cost.

WholesaleShelfCorporations.com Protects You Once You Buy Shelf Corporations from Our Inventory 

We understand that clients can become nervous before or after they buy shelf corporations.  Between outcome questions and asset protection concerns, many clients end up needing to speak with a professional at some point.  WholesaleShelfCorporations.com extends a free consultation with a licensed Asset Protection Attorney each time you buy shelf corporations. This exclusive service is what sets us apart from the competition, and it is what helps our clients to not only achieve their goals but also to secure the benefits of their good decisions for the long-run.

Time is of the essence. The market is not going to slow down because you are unsure how to buy shelf corporations in an effective and legitimate way.  Let our experts show you how it’s done and give you the opportunity to benefit from your purchase just like the thousands of clients we have already helped.  Visit our official website for more information or to get started today.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Free Incentives When You Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

To be honest, the simple act of using shelf corporations to improve your credit standing is already a great idea.  However, at WholesaleShelfCorporations.com we have taken it a step further.  When you buy shelf corporations from our exclusive inventory you are then entitled to several valuable services that cannot be found anywhere else

Buy Shelf Corporations to Get Listed on Major Search Engines

At some point, you are going to want to feature yourself on the most popular search engines of today.  This includes Google, Yelp, Yahoo, Bing, Yellow Pages, and even 411.  When you buy shelf corporations from us we ensure you get all that and more.  Every listing is free and part of our standard packing. Forget those lackluster experiences you’ve had before –
WholesaleShelfCorporations.com makes it easy for you buy shelf corporations that truly benefit your objectives.

Receive Valuable Advice from an Asset Protection Attorney if You Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

We don’t play around at WholesaleShelfCorporations.com, and we never leave your valuable assets defenseless.  Not only do we provide several guards against this, but we also offer a consultation with a licensed Asset Protection Attorney when you buy shelf corporations from our inventory. This incentive is completely free and can help you buy shelf corporations with more confidence.  In fact, our experts will walk with you throughout the entire process.  If you are ready to make big changes in your financial future, now is the time to act.  Just take a minute to visit our official website for more information, or to go ahead and buy shelf corporations that truly work.

What Actually Happens When You Buy Shelf Corporations

Did you know that WholesaleShelfCorporations.com has helped thousands of people improve their credit rating and lock in the funding they need to fuel their dreams?  We pride ourselves on satisfying our clients in ways that no other company can.  We allow our customers to buy shelf corporations from our extensive inventory and then we walk them through the process from start to finish.  Still, many people aren’t quite sure about what actually happens once the shelf corporation is bought.  Understanding this is the key to making your purchase truly beneficial.

Instantly Boost Your Credit Score When You Buy Shelf Corporations 

Who has time to wait for a credit rating to go up on its own?  Furthermore, what kind of start-up business has two or more years to waste before they can even apply for the funding they need?  In this fast-paced world most clients need instant and legitimate results, which is why so many come to WholesaleShelfCorporations.com to buy shelf corporations from our exclusive inventory.  Within a very short time, credit ratings and “Time in Business” records are improved significantly, allowing you and your business to flourish in the growing market.  In other words, when you buy shelf corporations from us you no longer have to be painfully patient.

Buy Shelf Corporations and Customize Your Approach to the Market 

When you buy shelf corporations you want to make sure that you get everything you need to make them work for their intended purposes.  If not, you just end up wasting your money – and nobody wants that.  WholesaleShelfCorporations.com offers all clients an array of free services, as well as numerous cost-effective add-ons. Take a moment to visit our official website and see exactly what you get when you buy shelf corporations from our extensive inventory, or ask one of our friendly representatives to explain the details to you.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Customizable Package Options Available When You Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

Now is the time to buy shelf corporations from the most reputable source.  If you haven’t heard about WholesaleShelfCorporations.com at this point, then you are missing out big time.  We offer a state-of-the-art approach to buying credit-ready shelf corporations, and we guarantee our clients’ full satisfaction every step of the way.  We are confident in this promise because our standard package offers so much to the average and avid buyers.

Free Package Options When You Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com 

At WholesaleShelfCorporations.com we not only work to help you buy shelf corporations that actually work for their intended purposes, but we also make it our duty to give you the best outcome when you do.  Our standard package includes various incentives, including but not limited to:

Free search engine listings on Google, Yelp, Yahoo, Yellow Pages, 411, Bing, and several more
Merchant Account setup (so you can start receiving payments as soon as possible)
Corporate phone, fax, and website setup including a custom domain name

Additional Package Options When You Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

We have more than you could ever want when you do buy shelf corporations.  Even if our standard package isn’t enough, we offer you even more (and for an incredibly competitive price).  Additional services we provide include:

A 24-Hour Turnaround Service, to get things going as quickly as possible
Yearly Nominee Officer Service to help protect your assets and your privacy
Custom website design and coding, finished in as little as 30 days

When you decide that it is time to buy shelf corporations, make sure to go to a company that knows what clients really need.  Visit the official WholesaleShelfCorporations.com website for more information and to get started on the process today.

Realistic Reasons Why You Should Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com

When the time comes for you to start seriously considering your funding options, you want to be as prepared as possible.  Often, a lacking credit score can be what stands in between you and your dreams.  Waiting for years on a credit rating to increase can wreak havoc on your dreams, which is why so many people these days have been deciding to buy shelf corporations to help them reach their goals. So, what it a shelf corporation and why should you add it to your list of viable options? 

When You Buy Shelf Corporations You Get Instant Results 

By the time you decide that it would be wise for you to buy shelf corporations you probably already know what you want to accomplish. You’re also probably sick of waiting on the results. At WholesaleShelfCorporations.com we understand how time is of the essence, which is why we ensure your shelf corporation(s) will work quickly and efficiently every time.  Most of our clients enjoy a noticeable boost in their credit scores within just 30 days after they buy shelf corporations from our inventory. 

Buy Shelf Corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com and Receive Valuable Incentives 

When you buy shelf corporations from WholesaleShelfCorporations.com you instantly receive a number of valuable bonuses besides an improved credit rating.  In fact, our standard package comes with several free products and services, such as: listings on numerous popular search engines, IRS EIN set up, and a custom-made domain name for your website.  Visit our official page for more information or to speak with one of our friendly reps about how to buy shelf corporations the right way.